Sunday, November 27, 2011


Sorry, sorry, Breanne told me about choosing a book, and I chose one... and promptly forgot to post it. Anyway. The book for this month (no longer two months...) is The Christmas Box, by Richard Paul Evans. I think most of you have read this one, but I figure rereading it won't hurt. (I feel like some of you might hate this book... So if that's the case, sorry. Don't read it.) Anyway, I hope this puts us in the mood for the Christmas season.


So, it looks like everyone else is having as hard of a time reading and posting as I am! Losaunne has the book choice for November/December, so hopefully we will hear from her soon!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Round Two: The Help

I think everyone's had a chance at round one, right? I have really enjoyed this so far, even though I haven't been the best about reading every book. I blame moving all over the country for that. And I also blame this baby fever that seems to have taken hold of everyone else for the lack of comments from everyone else. :) Anyway, I think there have been some good discussions so far, so let's keep going with a good thing! I will do September-October, and then it's back to Losaunne for November-December.

The book I chose for this month is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I have been wanting to read this for a while now, but I wasn't sure I would get a chance in Israel. Sunday night I realized that it was my turn again, and all I wanted to read for this month was The Help. But where would I get a copy?

And then Monday I went to the bookstore on campus here to get a textbook. And guess what? Sitting in front of the store, in a pile of bestsellers on sale, was The Help. And it was only 20 shekels (about $5.45)! You can bet that I took it as a sign. This was the book we needed to read.

Anyway, I hope all of you can get a copy or at least watch the film. I'm excited.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Right? Sorry I've been so slow in posting this - Breanne asked me a while ago, but I've been dithering too much about what book to choose. I finally settled on Man's Search for Happiness by Elder Ballard. This should be an easy one to give everyone a break for the summer months; you can probably read it in a Sunday afternoon, and most of you should have read it at least once already. I know I read it many times on the mission. Anyway, I kept thinking of this book as we read the last one, so I figured I'd suggest it. Hope you all enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

2 Months and a New Baby!

So Jocilyn will be doing the book club book for July. And she thought (and I agree with her) that the 2-month thing worked really well. Trying to get and read a book in a month or less was just kind of exhausting (I am still working on Man's Search for Meaning!).

So what do all of you think? 2 months/person/book, which works out to about 1 book/person/year? Yea or Nay? Let me know in the comments.

Also, Jocilyn has a new baby. That's what the second half of the title is for. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Man's Search For Meaning

I finally finished the book. I agree with his philosophy on so many levels, consequently I loved the book. He is missing one vital element, the atonement. He leaves everything in our own hands, I am so glad that I know there is help beyond what I can do. Some of my favorite quotes form the book;

The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it him ample add a deeper meaning to his life.

The prisoner who had lost faith in the future--his future--was doomed. With his loss of belief in the future, he also lost his spiritual hold; he let himself decline and became subject to mental and physical decay.

He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.

When we are no longer able to change a situation...we are challenged to change ourselves.

Man's freedom is not freedom from conditions, but it is freedom to take a stand toward the conditions.

A positive attitude enables a person to endure suffering and disappointment as well as enhance enjoyment and satisfaction. A negative attitude intensifies pain and deepens disappointment; it undermines and diminishes pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction.

All of this is made even more poignant by his life experiences. He had every opportunity to become bitter and angry and chose instead to help others through their bitterness. I thoroughly loved the book and this morning as we were reading in 2nd Nephi and read that man was to act not be acted upon I wished that Mr. Frankl would have had the opportunity to read the Book of Mormon. I would love to hear others thought on this book if any of you have a chance to read it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Okay,I'm a slacker. I chose the book as soon as Breanne asked me to be responsible for it this month, (actually I had several in mind just waiting for my turn) but the beginning of the month was sort of crazy and then when I finally sat down to post this I realized I was so computer illiterate that I didn't even know how to post, just comment. That was an incredibly long sentence, sorry. Finally with some help from Kaitlyn I am to this point. I realize that this has been a crazy month for all of the family is seems that everyone is either moving, having a new baby, going on a road trip, or having to spend every free moment at my house building a deck and keeping the house together while I have been gone. Sooo, I am wondering if my book choice can be for May and June. The book I am choosing is Mans Search For Meaning by Viktr Frankl. This is purely a selfish choice because I can quote several parts of it but have never read it myself. This is the perfect motivation for me to do it. Happy reading! Breanne, maybe you can use your new Library of Congress card. Losaunne do they have libraries in Skagway?

Love you all,